Project is realized within of The lifelong learning programe, the Leonardo da Vinci sub-programme – Students in initial vocational training.
The aim of this project was to extend comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in working with digital devices, to learn how to make photos in interior and exterior, to make their own graphic‘s objects and to process them in raster and vector programmes, to learn how to edit publications in their final versions for customers, and to use graphic in multimedia objects.
Yale College, Wrexham, UK
School Yale College is located in North-East Wales in the United Kingdom. It is the part of Coleg Cambria . It consists of six campuses, and offers complete secondary school education as well as a wide range of courses for the further education in various fields, for various students. It has 7000 daily students, and 20000 external students.
I. Term: 12th October - 26th October 2013
10 students from department of graphic digital media and technical lyceum and 2 teachers
Working programme:
We visited these places during our free time:
Chirk Castle, North Wales, Conwy Castle, Liandundo, Liverpool.
II. term: 22.3. – 5. 4. 2014
10 students of the subject field of the graphic digital media and mechanic computer networks 2 teachers
Focus of the work programme:
During the free time, we visited :
The Chirk Castle, Erddig Hall, Llandudno, village with the longest name in the world
and Liverpool with well known port Albert Dock.